As a whole, male enhancement supplements and testosterone boosters are fairly safe for the average man. They usually lack synthetic ingredients and are normally compiled of naturally occurring vitamins and herbs.
With supplements that aren’t well documented, it’s advisable that you speak to your local doctor before using them.
Are there any side effects from using Titan Gel?
There are no reports of anyone receiving any negative side effects from Titan Gel. However, because male enhancement supplements have been around for a while, there are a few common side effects that occasionally come up.
While these are not specific to Titan Gel, knowing about potential side effects is definitely beneficial:
  • Some men develop sleep apnea, as well as finding that they struggle to fall asleep
  • Due to the hormonal fluctuations, your skin can become prone to developing acne and being oily, as if you had just hit puberty
  • Kidney damage can occur if used for long periods of time
  • Urination difficulties can present themselves due to your body using up more water to fill out the cells in your body (drinking more water fixes this)
  • The stronger variants can sometimes induce aggression and rage
  • Some men have reported that their prostate gland increased in size, which is of course, very undesirable
It’s incredibly unlikely that you would experience any of these side effects when using Titan Gel, but it’s certainly worth understanding what could potentially happen. If you feel like you’re developing any of these symptoms, discontinue straight away.

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